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In many different applications, having some sort of key-value storage is helpful. In this section, we will look at a few different ways to store key-value pairs using implementations of the ByteStore interface.

Features (natively supported)

All ByteStores support the following functions, which are used for modifying multiple key-value pairs at once:

  • mget(key: Sequence[str]) -> List[Optional[bytes]]: get the contents of multiple keys, returning None if the key does not exist
  • mset(key_value_pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, bytes]]) -> None: set the contents of multiple keys
  • mdelete(key: Sequence[str]) -> None: delete multiple keys
  • yield_keys(prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[str]: yield all keys in the store, optionally filtering by a prefix

How to pick one

ByteStores are designed to be interchangeable. By default, most dependent integrations use the InMemoryByteStore, which is a simple in-memory key-value store.

However, if you start having other requirements, like massive scalability or persistence, you can swap out the ByteStore implementation with one of the other ones documented in this section.